There’s always time for Brazil.

Published on August 2nd, 2016 | by Tarah Miller | Geckos Tales THERE’S STILL TIME FOR BRAZIL. GET ON IT. Read time: a bit over 4 minutes There are three days until the Rio Olympic Games people. Three days people! To all you Aussies, there is still time to grab those swimmers, finish that sanger and chuck a extended/non-negotiable sicky. And… Read More There’s always time for Brazil.

Assessment 2

The term “community” can describe a group of people sharing similar interests and values. At one time,  ‘community’ referred to a faction if people united in a physical sense. Now, the term can also apply in the online world; it can be used to identify online bodies of people who all share similar interests. An online community is one whereby… Read More Assessment 2

A great insight on blog Gamin Traveler’s traffic and blog analysis

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant. If it did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. – Charlotte Bronte Like every travel, blogging felt to us like this new voyage. A new kind of trip. That quote above summarizes what blogging has taught… via Monthly Report:… Read More A great insight on blog Gamin Traveler’s traffic and blog analysis

Social Media Insights

I have decided to investigate what the jobs of social media strategists and managers involve. I came across a company called Meltwater that provide really insightful blog posts about social media marketing. I particularly loved this image of what a “A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager” may look like: