Viral Hashtag #WhenIWas

On Tuesday twitter became the home to stories of sexual harassment. The hashtag #WhenIWas was used to bring light to personal experiences or encounters with sexual harassment by (mostly) females. It started as part of the campaign for Everyday Sexism. It told stories, but also was a way to identify people’s reactions towards the stories and… Read More Viral Hashtag #WhenIWas

Social Media Insights

I have decided to investigate what the jobs of social media strategists and managers involve. I came across a company called Meltwater that provide really insightful blog posts about social media marketing. I particularly loved this image of what a “A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager” may look like:  

Hypertext & my Blog

How can I use hypertext beneficially throughout my blog? Use categories and tags to give a multilinear navigation for our blogs Technical aspect: Use of HTML5 Use interactive media within blog posts: audio, pictures, videos, etc. Link to social media Use my posts are individual or isolated objects Link posts by utilisation of theme throughout blog